Friday, April 24, 2009

Rocky and Other Subjects

Rocky (self-confident pughuahua) visited with his family, to get details about a future Wrenny-sitting occasion. Unfortunately, something about Rocky (his vaguely sheeplike size and shape?) triggered an instinct that included a frenzy of high-speed circling, and caused poor Rocky untold annoyance.
Momentary truce at the watering hole

She's Not Really a Person, After All
After the squeaky duck lost its head, the next victim was the bed-skirt.

On the lookout for Low Things of Interest

Which Ptilotus Exaltatus (left or right?) was NOT cruelly yanked by snapping dog jaws from its new place in the garden ?

Flamenco Doggy: rapid foot-stomping flushes out those lizards

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Doggy Day Care

Wrenny tried out a really nice Doggy Day Care place.

Her report card said her favorite camp counselor was Melanie.

The dogs had supervised play outside in the big play area until the tornado watch,
then moved to an indoor play area to continue the fun.

Along with her report card she brought us this snapshot of herself and some of her new friends
(see the "activities director" at the rear)

After all that fun, you just need a nap.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

In which we visit St. Petersburg for business and fun

Getting better acquainted with "Great-Grandmom"

We left Emily's car in Grandmom's garage for awhile.
We went shopping (at Petsmart, Wrenny's favorite store!)
We had dinner at the Chattaway (Wrenny lay patiently under the table)
We contemplated, and then took, a very nice walk.