Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Chapter Ends; Turn the Page

No matter how much fun we have had, enjoying each other's company, exploring new territory,

there was never any doubt who Wrenny really belongs to:

and with Emily back in Wrenny's life...
new tricks come easily:

....and there's always time for more cuddling (such a pointy dog, yet so conducive to it)!

After a last ride with the grandhumans... a civilized place that allows dogs at breakfast....

...we consider the road ahead. Will we keep blogging, sans Dog? Maybe -- we'll have a bit of summer music, our annual trek to Duffy's in Coconut Grove, visits to Wrenny's Great-Grandmom, plenty of home and garden projects, and a couple of nights on Cabbage Key to occupy us.

And Wrenny? It's all good -- rediscovering her home and basking in the "unconditional interspecies love" of her family.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

How to Act at a Dinner Party

Make small talk when you arrive.

Pay attention to the cook.

Say "Please" and "Thank you."

Pace yourself.

And be friendly, but not TOO friendly, with your host.